The Race of Our Lives Revisited

2019-01-21T21:18:59+00:00January 21st, 2019|Categories: Environment|Tags: , , , |

Jeremy Grantham returns to a topic he first addressed in 2013. Not a discussion for the faint of heart, Grantham systematically addresses various underlying biological and ecological trends. He draws the trend lines forward to illustrate how we appear poised to undermine our ability to thrive in the future. His frustration with systemic intransigence is as [...]

Les 10 Articles Les Plus Lus Sur Novethic En 2017

2018-02-10T15:54:27+00:00February 9th, 2018|Categories: General|Tags: |

For those curious about sustainability articles written from the French perspective, this recap of the 10 most read articles on Novethic offers several thought provoking twists on climate stories less reported, or less visible, in the English language press.

2017 – The Year in Climate

2018-02-10T15:55:25+00:00February 9th, 2018|Categories: General|Tags: |

The New York Times collected their biggest stories of the year in a feature called "2017: The Year in Climate".  This is a great catch up for those who haven't kept up with the NYT's climate reporting throughout the year.

Climate action “a necessity and an opportunity”

2017-06-06T02:39:25+00:00June 6th, 2017|Categories: Sustainability|Tags: , , , |

Within a day of the US withdrawal from the Paris Accord, United Nations Secretary-General Guterres spoke of the established scientific basis linking human activities and climate change, the broad global support of the accord, and the urgency to limit further harm to the planet.  While emphasizing the importance of the Paris Accord, he also explained the [...]

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